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19Dec, 2017

How to access your documents stored in Google Drive from the Kizeo Forms application?

The vast majority of professionals store their work documents in a cloud. The most commonly used tool for this is the Google Drive. Next, we will teach you how to access the documents stored in your Google Drive directly from the Kizeo Forms application. It can be useful during an intervention to consult a technical manual or any informative document.

To achieve this, it is enough to create an external list that will allow you to open the PDF documents that are in your Google Drive. First, make sure you have an internet connection on your mobile device.

Step 1: Retrieve the link to access your documents in the Drive

Connect to your Google Drive account to get the link to share your documents.

  • Select the document> Right click on the document and select the option ‘Obtain the link to share’.
  • Do not forget to define the visibility options using the configuration button on the right (pencil icon).

get shareable link    copy link

Note: You can share any type of document: image, video, Excel or PDF file, etc.

Step 2: Create your external list in Kizeo Forms

drive links

  • Link the newly created list with a List and Attribute element. Add a reference field to display the links associated with the attribute.

Product Manual

Comment: You can also put the link using a Calculation or Fixed Text element.

Tip: Do you want to keep the https: // when opening your document?

  • In the visibility options of the ‘Attribute’ field (in our example it is the ‘Technical Manual’ field), select the ‘Always hidden field’ field to make this field not appear while filling in the form,
  • Add a Calculation field,
  • From the Calculation tab, in the options of the Calculation field:

– Click on Add text and insert https: //.

– Add the + symbol and its Attribute field (‘Technical manual’).

link calculation

Now, your users will be able to access your Drive while they are filling out a form in the Kizeo Forms app!

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