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17Apr, 2018

Generate a link to open Google Maps directly from the form

Open the GPS navigator directly from the Kizeo Forms application to get to your place of intervention. Learn how to save time with this feature. The calculation tool on the application can generate a link that helps you launch Google Maps from the application. Step 1 : Configure your site list Create an intervention list (external list) with references. Ensure the list contains the latitude and longitude of […]

15Nov, 2017

How To Open Google Maps From The Kizeo Forms App

When you send pre-filled data from the platform to a mobile user in the field (what we also call push), the mobile user can see this data on a map on his mobile device and open Google Maps straight away to start a route for instance. First, make sure that you put the correct settings. In order to do so, click the options button of your form, […]