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10Jun, 2020

Will the new version of Kizeo Forms run on Windows devices?

React native: a state-of-the-art framework On Tuesday April 7, 2020 we released a new version of Kizeo Forms that works on both iOS and Android operating systems. This raises the question of the compatibility of this new version with mobile devices equipped with the Windows 10 operating system. What about Microsoft? Following its failure with the Windows Phone operating system, Microsoft has lost momentum on […]

01Sep, 2016

Kizeo Forms Pre requirements: iOS, Android and Windows

The Kizeo Forms mobile application is available for the following operating systems: Android version 5.0 onwards iOS version 10 onwards Windows Phone/Windows not available Kizeo Forms Pre requirements The platform is compatible with the following internet browsers. These are the minimum Kizeo Forms Pre requirements: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet explorer 9/10/11, Edge.   We recommend that you update your Internet browser regularly  to provide more security, so that […]