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Reduce your company’s risk of accidents declaring your near misses!

Minor incidents due to material damage on the field, also called near misses, are often followed by more serious incidents.

Therefore, it is of paramount importance to collect and analyse them in order to take preventive actions internally and by doing so:

  • Preventing and avoiding physical accidents,
  • Providing safe working conditions for the workers,
  • Improving safety.

Save time by typing  your near misses directly on your cell phone or tablet!

We just launched a new form called ” Near Misses” available in our library.

From you Kizeo App, tell us more about your situation, describe the risks involved, your suggestions to improve it as well as the corrective actions you took right after the incident. Once your final report is saved, it will be sent straight to your superiors.

In our template form, you can also find an example of:

  • Custom-made Word version of the report,
  • Custom-made Excel version of the report with the information regarding the witness(es) -if there were any- during the incident,
  • Multiple e-mail case scenarios:  Three different e-mail scenarios are set to send your reports according to what you wrote in the field!


Near Miss Report Form

The Near Miss Report form in the library

To download it, go to your back office and click the “Configuration” tab, then “Forms” and click on the “Library” button!

You want to share your forms with the Kizeo Forms community?

You can absolutely do that by sending us an e-mail to! Don’t forget to mention you business code and the name of your form in order for our team to review your request.

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We would gladly answer any question, comment or suggestion you may have!