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You are a sales representative and you visit leads and clients in their facilities all day long. Afterward, you need to write down the details of those visits on a paper document. Moreover, you spend time entering this data on your laptop and doing follow-up (sending email, filling your database).

What if you could use a tool that can automate those tasks for you? This solution is called digital forms!  With Kizeo Forms, you can totally customize your forms according to your needs. Spend less time filling reports and more time selling!

Sales Visit Form

Automate emails after your sales visits  Send automatic and customized e-mail(s)

Right after filling out your digital form, an automatic and customized email will be sent to the lead you just visited. This short e-mail is meant to introduce your company and products/services. Indeed, the person will receive the email immediately with a customized attachment that you can add prior to the visit (for more details read our tutorial on customized emails). For instance, you can attach brochure, price list or white book.

A second email with a complete summary of the visit in a PDF document will be sent to whoever you want. I can either be to yourself or to your superior. Several different types of emails can be sent at the same time. Learn how!

Add information to your database  Add information in your database or CRM

By filling out this digital form on the spot, you avoid loosing or forgetting relevant information about the visit. Using the same form for all the time will allow all the sales reps to follow the same guidelines and enter similar information to get a more detailed database.

Synchronize Kizeo Forms with dropbox

Store your forms in your Dropbox account. Learn more.

Store your forms in FTP server

Store your forms in your FTP server. Learn more.

Integrate Kizeo Forms with your CRM

Store your forms in your own CRM. How to use the API.

Download digital form template  Download The Sales Visit Template

Download the template from the platform by clicking the library button. Then select the English language, select the form called Sales Visit Report and click the Add to my account button.

Remember that this from is a template that you can fully customize to fit your activity. It will give you a glimpse of the possibilities offered by Kizeo Forms. Of course you can also create your form from scratch!

Kizeo Forms Free Trial  Start a free trial now!

During 15 days, you will be able to create your own digital forms using a broad set of smart options such as photo, geolocation, calculation, NFC tag, drawing and more! There is no commitment and no credit card information is required. If you have any question on how to get started, our team will be glad to assist you by phone at +33 (0)4-90-23-67-60 or by email at

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