Digitization has on an overall positive impact on the organization of a company. Since the automation of internal business processes is a clear time saver, the company will be more efficient and productive.
Many professionals conducting daily field interventions seized this opportunity to make their internal and external communication easier and quicker. For instance, a field technician or a sales representative can send an invoice, work order or quote to his client right on the spot.
1- Convey a positive image of your company
Today, most companies, regardless of the industry, have taken the digital turn: cloud storage, electronic billing, etc.
Using smart tools such as digital forms send a strong message to your clients and partners: your company is modern! You are fully aware of the inevitable changes of your work environment and you embrace them to become more efficient.
We switched to digital forms to become more efficient, minimize waste, and show increased value to our staff and clients.”Kevin
2- Automate your billing
You can save yourself the trouble to generate and send invoices manually. Let the digital forms do it for you! With the calculation and data base features available with Kizeo Forms, you can easily configure your digital forms along with your intervention price list and charge the client accordingly right in that moment. Both the client and your accounting department will be notified and will receive the invoice.
3- Monitor your activity
Digital form is a key tool for managers since they can track the activity in real-time thanks to the instant reports and notifications. They can know precisely where an intervention was carried out, when and by whom. Additionally, they can send pre-filled documents for the field workers to complete.
4- Reduce your operational charges
By switching to digital forms, you will drop significantly your operational costs. According to a recent study carried out by the consulting group Arthur D Little, digitization leads to a reduction of a standard invoice processing cost of about 50%. Employees also spend less time taking care of paperwork and can focus on more important tasks.
5- Store and centralize your information
Data is key. With paper forms, you run the potential risk of loosing your information or having it misplaced. Electronic documents, on the other hand will be safely stored and easy to find and download at any time. You can even store this information directly on your Dropbox account.
6- Reduce your carbon footprint
Last but not least, you will reduce paper waste and contribute to reduce your carbon footprint!
Switch to digital forms right now!
Do you want to learn more? Find out how the Kizeo Forms App works!