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In order to guarantee you an optimal use experience we have recently made five updates on the Kizeo Forms application. We strive to remain attentive and responsive to your comments and suggestions.

Update 1: Tag the fields containing personal data

You can now “tag” the fields that will contain personal data (last name, first name, address …). With this new option, we will be able to extract the fields that you have tagged as “personal data” to send you an export of this data. You will also be able to partially hide, on the listing screens, all personal information that need not be processed.

Personal data tagThe “Kizeo tutorial” of July will be devoted to this subject. In this edition, we will explain in more detail how to activate this option.

  • Procedure for “tagging” data as personal: Back office> Your form> Field Options> Advanced> Mark as personal data.

Update 2: Recover the identifier of an NFC chip

Until now by scanning an NFC chip, you could recover the data contained in the NFC TAG, for example the name of the tenant, the phone number or the date of entry. That is, the elements that were contained in the NFC chip. From now on, you will be able to recover in addition to the content, the identifier (ID) of the NFC tag for example: NFC Kizeo1, NFC Kizeo2, NFC Kizeo3.

Update 3: Prevent copies of forms

Following our last update of the application, it is possible to prevent the copying of the data contained on a form. This may be necessary to prevent fraud.

In the July issue of “Kizeo tutorial” we will explain in more detail how to prevent the copying of data.

Copy Data In History

  • How to prevent a copy of a form: Back office> Your form> Options> Mobile> Prevent copying.

Update 4: Help button

We have put at your disposal a “Help” button to allow you to have access at any time to all the information you may need to complete your forms. This button is available from the Kizeo Forms Back Office.

Help Button

Update 5: Send an e-mail during a transfer

The transfer option is now available for your e-mail scenarios! Previously, an email was sent only when saving or editing a data. From now on it can be transmitted during a transfer between several users.

The entire Kizeo team remains at your disposal to answer all your questions. Do not hesitate to send us an email at to ask us all your questions.