Guillaume Jouault
Manager at Flunity Services
Here for you during the COVID19 crisis
Guillaume Jouault, manager of Flunity Services, makes a mobile form available to Kizeo Forms users, in this period of health crisis, to ensure the safety of technicians.
COVID19: Will the health safety recommendations for the continuity of construction activities be respected?
“How can I know, in real time, whether the technicians at the intervention sites are complying with the current health safety recommendations? ». With the prospect of resuming his activity, Guillaume Jouault, manager of Funity Services, has been questioning himself at length about the resumption of work by his teams in compliance with health regulations.
To guarantee optimal working conditions, Guillaume Jouault therefore created an online Kizeo Forms form in just a few minutes. The aim: to check whether the health safety recommendations are met to validate the continuity of construction activities on the sites. A form that he generously makes available to all Kizeo customers!
How to comply with safety measures when working on a construction site?
Flunity Services is a company specialized in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) services. Flunity Services assists its customers in the starting up, balancing and operation of their HVAC installations. Consequently, all the employees work daily on numerous sites.
At the beginning of January, an unprecedented health crisis hit France, Europe and the world. On 14 March, the head of state of France decided to close public places and then on 17 March he imposed a general confinement for a period of 55 days.
The activity of Flunity Services then comes to an abrupt halt. However, Guillaume Jouault quickly began to look for solutions that would guarantee his employees, a safe return to the site under the best possible working conditions at the end of the confinement period.
Thus the idea came to him to use Kizeo Forms to monitor and analyze the working conditions of his teams.
“Every week, before the on-site intervention, my technicians will fill out a Kizeo Forms form to check that the sanitary conditions comply with the regulations in force. »
As a result, the manager of Flunity Services can:
- Monitor teams on the field in real time,
- Check that the building sites respect the sanitary standards in force,
- Analyze the remarks and suggestions of the teams as they go along,
- Remind everyone every week about the health regulations to be observed.
For everyone’s safety: let’s share our best practices!
Guillaume decided to make his COVID19 form available to the Kizeo community. To benefit from it, go to the Kizeo Forms library. The form is free to download, so you can modify it according to your needs.
In this unexpected and uncertain time, we remain at your disposal to share any ideas you may have. All gestures of solidarity count, no matter how small they may be.