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COVID19 Form: The Kizeo Forms community is mobilising against COVID19:

The health crisis that the world is going through requires a deep evolution of the prevention tools used on construction sites. To this end, we need a COVID19 Form or checklist of good practices for the resumption of activity of building and public works companies after containment.

This will enable each firm to define, adapt or consolidate its intervention protocols to ensure the protection of employees. Consequently, to guarantee healthy working conditions for all those involved in the building and public works profession, it has become imperative to make procedures for following up these recommendations operational.

However, this recovery is not going to be easy and requires a “necessary solidarity” and benevolence from all the companies in the sector. It is in this spirit that a good number of construction companies that are customers of the Kizeo Forms have decided to pool their digital procedures for monitoring health and safety on construction sites.

Guarantee healthy working conditions with the COVID19 Form:

Thus, in the face of this health crisis, unprecedented in the history of the 21st century, companies in the construction sector are mobilising against COVID 19. Scopelec, Flunity Services have decided to make their digital COVID19 form for guaranteeing healthy working conditions available on the Kizeo Forms library.

The objectives of the COVID19 form is simple and compelling:

  • Guarantee the application of health risk prevention procedure
  • Daily reminder of safety rules
  • Complement locally applicable government regulations
  • Analyse the teams’ remarks and suggestions as they go along

Use Kizeo Forms for your construction projects :

To meet current health issue prevention recommendations, you can also create your own customised Kizeo Forms. A solution that will have the merit of meeting your company’s specific needs.

They will then be filled in, using a smartphone or a tablet, by your field staff present on the construction site. You will also be able to add a reminder concerning prevention measures to limit the risk of infection during construction site activities to these forms. Your employees will thus be able to fill out and consult your company’s digital forms, even without internet connectivity!

Hands-on case study :

Among all the precautions, there is one that requires strict access control for employees and other people working on the site. Below is a step-by-step guide to generating your own “Site Access Control” form with Kizeo Forms.

Step 1 : Configuring your site access control form

From the Kizeo Forms web platform, you create a digital “site access control” form with the following specificities:

  • Using an Excel database, import a list of personnel authorized to be present on the site into your form.
  • Add the electronic signature, automatic geolocation and photo fields.
  • You can include questions on the health status of incoming workers. Example: do you have symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, difficulty breathing…)?

If you wish to check the presence of personnel on the building site, you must add the date and time field to your form. This will allow you to record the entry/exit times of the personnel.

Step 2 : Data collection from the construction site

The employee in charge of controlling entry and exit to and from the worksite logs the entry/exit of site personnel from the Kizeo Forms mobile application on the “access control” form. No direct or indirect physical interaction (pen, paper) is required.

Case 1: The employee has authorised access to the site. He is invited to fill out the form from his mobile. Within the same time frame, an automatic recording of the geolocation, date and time of entry is made. The same process will be applied at the time of departure.

Case 2: If the incoming person does not have authorised access to the site, an access request form can be opened. The person’s data (surname, first name, position, etc.) is recorded and automatically sent to the person in charge of the site. Within a few minutes, access is approved or not by the latter.

Step 3 : Monitoring the data entered

Using the Kizeo Forms web platform, you can monitor and manage data.  Subsequently, the collected data can be integrated with other business applications used by your company.

Try the Kizeo Forms app for free for a period of 14 days!

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