Designed specifically for public administrations, Doocity makes communication between elected representatives and their citizens easy.
The main purpose of Doocity Mobile App is to simplify the dialogue between public administrations and their fellow citizens in terms of communication. For instance:
- The local authorities can easily broadcast a local news regarding education, sports, social life, or just sharing the holiday program,
- The citizens can also answer back to the authorities by sharing their questions or reporting a dysfunction they noticed in the city.
Easy and customized, our new App brings you efficient and simple dialogue.
On one hand, this tool works with an intuitive Back Office easy to handle and to customize to allow local authorities to set their account. On the other hand, the mobile App is available on IOS and Android for the citizens to download and use.
But let’s stop talking, you would rather watch this video to get a better idea of what Doocity really does:
You want to know more about it? Go to !
The Kizeo Team.