⭐️ Leading solutions for Field Service Management Try the app for free!
Companies with field management are increasingly interested in adopting technologies capable of increasing the productivity of mobile personnel, reducing associated costs and improving the quality of customer service. The leading solution in the market is known as programs and applications for Field Service Management (FSM).
It is a system designed to coordinate on-site management, which can range from appointments to reports. They are often used in construction, security, energy, agriculture, medicine, telecommunications and more.
This market demand has been rising since at least 2016 when an income of $ 1.78 trillion dollars was recorded, and it is expected to continue growing reaching $ 4.45 trillion of revenue* in the year 2022. The digital transformation of services on the field is more than a reality!
➤ Characteristics of Field Service Management (FSM)
Management of the entire service cycle on the field
Field Service Management includes the needs of the clients, the tasks of the employees on the field, the assignment of related equipment and itineraries at the same time. Therefore, a good application will help in saving time, improve working efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Inclusion of different IT tools
Different computer tools are used in Field Service Management to ensure mobile external service of a company, such as GPS, Cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), use of mobile devices and more!
Automation of mobile workflows
Field Service Management softwares allow to automate operations on the field and efficient monitoring of scheduled tasks. Its main users are field agents and technicians.
In practice, they allow to optimize a variety of tasks:
- Monitoring field technicians
- Programming and tracking work orders
- Inventory management
- Management of field inspections
- Communication with the customer
- Invoice integration
- Tracking field personnel (GPS)
- Sending documents in real time
- Analysis of data
☁️ Mobile access through a cloud-based platform
It usually works with mobile access, through a platform based on the cloud. The internet connection is necessary to upload the captured data.
In practice, the company saves storage costs by centralizing information in the cloud, which also translates into reduced paper and improved monitoring.
“Kizeo Forms allows greater efficiency in proven practices, reducing time by 75%. The fact of centralizing information in the cloud implies a brutal reduction of paper and improves the quality of monitoring.” – Cristobal Vera T, Energy Efficiency engineer at Engie Services
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Wide variety of market options
Currently there are thousands of Field Service Management solutions, many of them specialized by sector of activity. The selection will depend on the needs of the company that can range from mobile applications to capture data in the field, platforms with centralized programming panels, to the automatic analysis of new sales opportunities.
Kizeo Forms is a specialized solution that can capture data from the field and automate related processes. With its technology, users can optimize the tasks of creating mobile forms, gathering information, transferring data, generating reports and analyzing data.
Kizeo Forms has two digitalization tools: the online platform and the mobile application that help in automation of various tasks. Both project leaders and mobile personnel benefit from these, regardless of their sector of activity.
🖥 The Online platform
From the online platform, the project leader constructs the mobile forms to be used later on the field for work orders, security inspection checklist, business visit forms, among others.
To ensure that your mobile device collects robust data in a standardized way, the project leader can create “smart forms”, capable of capturing data such as photos, audio, calculation, barcode, geolocation, electronic signatures and more.
In addition, the project leader can send the right technician at the right time to the right place using the application. For example, if a technician has several visits to program in a day, the project leader can indicate the client’s data to visit, the address as well as their needs. The technician will receive a notification with this data and will arrive at the visit with all the necessary information to offer the service.
On the other hand, from the online platform you can configure how the information collected from the field will be transferred and exported. For example: define who will receive the work orders and the report.
“We save at least 2 hours per day because of Kizeo Forms! This made the communication within the company way better because the information is rapidly exchanged. Our reports are detailed and accurate.” – Gwendal Conan, Manager at Hydraumel
📲 The Mobile application
Designed for the team on the field, the mobile application allows you to capture the data in real time and transfer information instantly. The main advantage of this tool is that it works with or without Internet access. In this way, an inspector can get to the field to record their location and the time of inspection.
The Kizeo Forms application collects all the information requested from the mobile platform. It is enough that the staff on the field has a smartphone or tablet to advance their tasks. Works with iOS and Android.
Both tools complement each other to comply with the information management cycle: form design, information gathering, data transfer, report generation and analysis.
In a short time, the office staff will receive the information gathered from the field and their respective reports, which improves the work flow in the field and at the enterprise.
“Every form we use in our daily business can be digitized in a simple and easy way by using Kizeo Forms. Kizeo Forms can yield up to 1000 pre-filled forms at a time, which helps us save time during the inspections.” – Huug van Vossen, Reliability Engineer at Actemium
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