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Film reelMovie production involves a lot of paperwork. Budgeting sheets, production reports, payroll, expense reports, casting and call sheets are some forms that are used regularly in movie productions. Paper forms results in a lot of time wasted in filling and replicating the same data on a computer and further surmounts your costs. Digitize your production forms with Kizeo Forms for a happy ending.

Discover how Kizeo Forms can be used to digitize the Film industry!

Kizeo Forms can help automate your form filling processes from pre-production to post-production. The various features provided by Kizeo Forms further provides the flexibility to design your forms to suit your needs. With Kizeo Forms, you can fill out your forms from your mobile or tablet in seconds, while overseeing production.

Below are some ways in which Kizeo Forms can be used to aid film production:

Film production Digital form

The film budget:

budgetThis is the foundation of a film. You can use Kizeo Forms to track and note exactly how you are going to spend money so that you can make a profit. Save your time and keep a track of your spending as well as analyze your historical data with Kizeo Forms. The calculation feature can help you calculate all your expenses in a jiffy allowing you plenty of time for other activities.

Casting sheets:

casting callFill out information about the people who attend auditions. Send schedules, scripts and notes for the auditions. You can use various interesting features provided by Kizeo Forms to design a form that suits your needs.


TimesheetA movie production involves a lot of employees. It is difficult to monitor employee entries on a daily basis using paper forms. By using digital forms, the employees can easily record the data on their device and transmit it in a jiffy helping you save time and improving efficiency!

Equipment rental and inventory:

Film equipmentFilm productions involves renting of equipment for shooting as well as inventory management of costumes, set items and props. Kizeo Forms can help you record this data easily, the barcode scanner can further enhance your inventory management process.

Risk assesment:

Risk managementKizeo Forms can help film productions in creating Risk Assessment forms to help in the examination of what could cause harm on a particular shoot, to a particular person or at a specific location, so that the production company can then decide on whether adequate control measures have been taken to prevent harm/accidents.

Release forms:

Release formFilm production requires several release forms such as – General Release, Talent Release, Location Release, Audio Release, Art Release, Materials Release and more! Kizeo Forms can help you design these forms thereby helping you create a template for future releases!

Digitize Production Forms!

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