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Daily construction reports record the progress of a project. Through this article, learn to automate them and fill them out from any location. Discover the various benefits of using a mobile application to fill out your reports.

Daily construction logs are necessary to record all the work done on the site on a given day. It is important to record the progress of the construction project. The construction daily report includes data such as:

Tasks completed, hours worked, weather, safety observations, project phase etc.

“Kizeo Forms is used across multiple business lines for field data collection for safetyinspectionsmileage logs, and photo inventories.We don’t need multiple or custom applications to do this anymore, and it gives us more flexibility than a static PDF document does.”

Logo Stantec

Kevin  Grover- Operations Manager at STANTEC, Canada

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How to automate daily construction reports?

Several companies still use paper to note daily activities. This results in inaccuracies as it is difficult to recollect past activities. Save time and money by using the Kizeo Forms mobile application to create your Daily report.

The application allows you to:

Review checklists, take photos and annotate them and add signatures. You can also use the voice recording element to log daily activities. Once you have completed the report, it is automatically sent to your team or stakeholders.

Daily report mobile application Kizeo Forms

Try the app for free!

Benefits of creating mobile daily reports with our application:

  • Availability of several ready to use templates on our Library! Test our templates for the construction industry today!
  • Quick and Easy way to record data
  • Capture data without an internet connection thanks to our offline mode!
  • Make data accessible to the right person at the right time!
  • Integrate your data with your internal softwares.

Furthermore, you can use the application to create various other reports such as:

site supervision reports with Kizeo Forms

Site supervision reports

site inspection with Kizeo forms

Site inspection reports

time and materials report with Kizeo Forms

Times materials report

Risk assessment with Kizeo Forms

Risk assessment

expense reports with Kizeo Forms

Expense reports

time sheets with Kizeo Forms


Construct mobile documents that meets your needs! Improve workforce efficiency at your enterprise and test the various functionalities of the app today!

Follow these simple steps to get started!:

Automate daily reports!

Sign up and test the App Free of charge for 15 days !

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