You are a real estate agent or you work within a property management company, then this checklist template is exactly what you need! You will now be able to fill out an inspection checklist with a new tenant directly from your mobile device. The template is now available for download from our library!
Thanks to the smart features Kizeo Forms offers, you can add valuable content such as:
- Photos of the apartment when the new tenant moved in. Flaws or damages can be notified by uploading photos. They will be kept as pieces of evidences which can avoid claims and legal actions.
- Signature of the tenant at the end of the inspection, confirming that he agrees with the terms of the rental and the inspection.
- Check boxes to quickly fill out the form and assess the condition of the apartment.

This is how your custom-made PDF document will look like. It will be generated automatically and sent by email.
Right after the digital checklist has been filled, several emails will be sent to:
- The new tenant: he will receive a PDF attachment summing up the different steps of the inspection as well as the photos of the apartment taken during the visit.
- The leasing office or real estate agent will also receive the same report as the new tenant. It allows the office to keep track effectively of all the new residents moving-in.
The “New Tenant Apartment Inspection Checklist” is available for download from our library. Remember that this from is a template that you can fully customize to suit your activity. It will give you a glimpse of the possibilities offered by Kizeo Forms. Of course you can create your form from scratch!
You have great forms that you would like to share with the other users? Just send us an e-mail with the name of your form and your company code!