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Ensuring we meet your needs!

In 2020 we launched the Kommunity self-help platform and the new mobile version of Kizeo Forms. In 2021, we will continue this same dynamic of constant improvement.

We will start this new year with several new features:

  • The revamp of the forms creation process.
  • Easy data recuperation process.

These are key developments, which have their origins in your daily recommendations and in our aspirations for tomorrow.

Your Kizeo Forms Online Platform (BackOffice) has been given a makeover!

The form creation area has been modified to enhance your customer experience. New functionalities and ergonomic optimisations have been added:

  • Select your time period: for more comfort and freedom download your data over a period of time that you have previously defined.
  • Template for Excel list and CSV: several templates can be created/used for the same form.
  • Responsive browsing: you can now view your content in an optimised and ever more responsive way.
  • Tag analysis on reports: the tags in your custom Excel reports can be analysed at any time to avoid erroneous reports.
  • Data exports: the data export process has been redesigned to be more intuitive and efficient. For example, you can export your data one by one or by list.
  • Data downloads: The data extraction takes place in the background and we notify you when data is available.
  • Simpler: the creation of your forms has been divided into three steps: the creation of forms (adding the various fields), the addition of your reports (creation of standard and personalised reports), and the form options.
  • The details make the difference: in your custom exports you can now click on images, add and modify the first page of the standard PDF, etc.
  • The standard PDF: has been revised to be more modern and more efficient.

Our ambition is simple: to make your mobility tool ever more intuitive and efficient.

Change is the only constant!

To take advantage of these new products at the beginning of the year, you don’t have to do anything. They are available, automatically on your web platform (Back Office).

These improvements won’t overwhelm you. We have improved the visual aspect of the forms creation, taking into account your requests and basing our approach on the principles of UX design1.

To sum up…

In order to facilitate data retrieval and the creation of forms, we have made changes to your Back Office :

  • We have eased and accelerated the data recuperation process.
  • The form creation process has been redesigned to be more intuitive, more efficient and faster.

We believe that change is the only way forward and we aim to constantly innovate to provide you with a solution that is always better adapted to your needs. To find out more about our changes, visit your web platform.

Watch our walkthrough video that describes all the changes:

1 UX design: consists of thinking and designing a service so that the user experience is the best possible.