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For the construction industry, the transmission of information from the field is one of the key activities. Through this article learn about the most used mobile forms for the construction industry and how to create them using the Kizeo Forms app. Go paperless and optimize information flow within your enterprise.

The construction industry is packed with activities that require data collection on the go! Mobility is key to obtain a competitive advantage. Check out the list of mobile forms that you can easily create and fill out from the remotest areas with the Kizeo Forms application!

Daily reportsSite supervision reports with Kizeo Forms

The daily report can be filled out by the site engineer and subcontractors to monitor all field activities. Collect information about equipments, work orders, change orders, near misses daily timesheets and more! Easily record the progress of the construction project and control the budget through the various phases directly from your mobile device.

Time and materials forms with Kizeo FormsTime and materials form

Note down the labor rates for construction, price for materials and equipment to ensure the smooth progress of the project.

Risk assessments with Kizeo FormsRisk assessments

Reduce or eliminate risks by performing regular site inspections directly rom your mobile device. Note areas that are risky and employees that could be affected, assign the right team to manage and eliminate potential risks to ensure employee safety.

Expense reportsExpense reports

Track and manage your budget using expense reports. Attach invoices and organize and manage your expenses efficiently. Process and approve expenses on the go with the Kizeo Forms app!

Near miss reports with Kizeo FormsNear miss reports

Avoid or prevent accidents at the construction site and ensure safety measures are in place by recording near misses with the Kizeo Forms app. Record the date and time, location and pictures for your near miss reports and alert the right teams to avoid accidents.

Logistics industryDriver’s logs

This form is perfect for trucking companies to record driving hours, materials delivered and returns. Avoid errors and ensure quality service by going mobile with Kizeo Forms.

Site inspection with Kizeo FormsEquipment inspections

Inspect all construction equipments for damages and record inventory with Kizeo Forms. You can also perform timely maintenance inspections to ensure optimum performance of all your assets.

Timesheet with Kizeo formsTimesheets

Record hours worked, process and approve leave requests of all your employees by creating mobile friendly timesheets with Kizeo Forms

Quality sampling with Kizeo FormsQuality assurance

Reputation and trust is highly essential for all construction companies. Create mobile friendly checklists to identify if all quality requirements are met.

OSHA check with Kizeo FormsOSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

Identify, reduce, and eliminate construction-related hazards by ensuring employee safety by creating OSHA checklists with the Kizeo Forms app.

Centralize data collection!

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