In this first edition of our newsletter, we tell you everything that happened during the last quarter.
1. A new language is available.
Kizeo Forms is now available in Portuguese!
Our team can also speak with you in French, English, Spanish, Italian, German and now Portuguese!
2. New forms in our template library.
Our team is working to add more new forms to the Library. This quarter, we updated some of them and we added new ones:
- Near Miss Report
- Expense Report
- Delivery Report
To download them, go to your Back Office, click on the Configuration tab > Forms and then click the Library button.
Is there a particular form you wish that were in our Library? Send us your suggestions. You feel like sharing some of your forms with the other users? Great! We will be glad to help you do that! Send us an e-mail at!
Last month, we release a new update on iOS (version 6.7.2) that was meant to optimize the use of the photo element.
1. Find out the latest news.
We publish articles on different subjects:
- We give you useful tips on how to use advanced features.
- We introduce you all the members of our team!
- We tell the stories of our customers and their daily use of Kizeo Forms.
- We share the new releases, new features and updates with you!
2. Share your experience.
Your opinion means a lot! You can help us spread the word by:
- Writing a Testimonial or just a few words on your experience,
- Rating and reviewing the Kizeo Forms App on the Stores,
- Refer one or several persons you think may be interested.
In order to do that, you can contact us or go to this page.
Did You Know That…?
We give you tips on how to use Kizeo Forms’ elements. This month, find out How to calculate automatically the number of lines in a table.
We taught you how to know the number of lines in your table while you are filling your digital forms. Also, we explain the setting your need to do in order to display the number of lines in your customized report.