We released a new form template: the 5S Audit Checklist. You can now download it from the library and carry out your 5S Audit from your cellphone or tablet!
5S Methodology
The 5S methodology is widely used in several industries to organize a workplace in a more efficient way. The name comes from five Japanese words beginning with an “S” that define each step:
- Seiri (SORT): Remove from the workplace all objects that are not necessary.
- Seiton (SET IN ORDER): Place the items in a location that is convenient and logical for the worker.
- Seiso (SHINE): Make the workplace clean and free of dirt.
- Seiketsu (STANDARDIZE): Set a standard of making the workplace clean and organized.
- Shitsuke (SUSTAIN): Make sure that those changes are implemented and last in the long run.
Features used
- The Choice element: very convenient to quickly select the answer to each question.
- The list: instead of typing the name of the person filling out the checklist, you just need to select the name among a list of employees that you previously created.
- The Calculation feature allows to get automatically the total score of the audit.
- The Table will allow you to add as many comments as you need.
- The Photo: take photos from your mobile device to back up your comments and include them to your report.
Download and customize
From your platform, it is easy to download the 5S Audit Checklist template by going to the Form Page and then clicking the Library button. Then, select the English language, type the name of the form and finally download it. The 5S Audit Checklist can be used in many industries. Feel free to modify this template to match the requirements of your workplace.
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