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We just released a new timesheet template on the library! This form called «Timesheet» is made for HR representatives or managers to help them fill out their employee timesheet more easily and quickly.

Our timesheet template helps you save Time

Save time digital formFill your weekly timesheet in no time! By inserting a Referential-Hierarchical list with the details of each one of your employees, you just need to select the name of the employee and the rest of the info will be filled automatically. This list can be re-used in different forms as many time as you want. The final result on your mobile device will look like this:

Fill Your Timesheet From Anywhere

Perfect for mobile workers who have different schedule every day. The manager can enter real-time and accurate information about each one of them. It is also possible to fill it out from your office through the Web Entry of your Back Office.

Add Expenses

Expense digital formFor each day, you can add expenses (food, transportation or lodging). First by entering the amount of your expense and then by taking a picture of the bill. This form even has visibility conditions depending on the job title of each one of your employees. For instance, in this template we included a field called «Do the employee receive gas allowance?» that will be filled with «yes» or «no» depending on his/her position. If the person we select is part of the Delivery team, he will be allowed to add gas expense.


Send Reports

Send reports digital form Two e-mails will automatically be sent after you finish filling your form:

  • First, a basic e-mail with a summary of the hours and miles will be sent to the employee.
  • Second, your accountant will receive an e-mail with a detailed Word report including the hours and contact information of the employee. This way, he will have all the information necessary to calculate the payroll.



This form uses several useful options:

  • Referential-Hierarchical list: create a detailed list with the customized information on each one of them. In this case, you can create a list with the names, positions and contact details of your employees,
  • Table element: it allows you to add the number of lines you want, in this case declare as many days as you wish,
  • The Checkbox element: at a fingertip you can declare if your employee was sick or had a day off by clicking the due checkbox.
  • The Calculation element: enter the time your employee started working and the time he left and the number of hours worked will automatically be calculated. Also, a calculation element has been added to give you an estimate of the salary by multiplying the total of hours by the hourly wage.
  • The Signature added at the end of the form and the picture of the original paper timesheet, if you have any, help authenticating the document.

Download & Customize

From your Back Office, it is easy to download the Weekly Timesheet template by going to the Form Page and then clicking the Library button. Then select the English language, type the name of the form and finally download it. You can fully customize this timesheet according to your activity: delete or add several elements, create your own referential-hierarchical list and put the logo and contact details of your company.

Share Your Forms

You have great forms that you would like to share with the other users? Just send us an e-mail with the name of your form and your company code!