You dreamed of it, and we achieved it! After months, weeks and days of work, we are happy to announce that the new 2019 version of Kizeo Forms will be available to download for free from February. This new version is more intuitive, more interactive and more functional. We have completely revised the design and user interface. The history tab, the push function and the […]
In order to guarantee you an optimal use experience we have recently made five updates on the Kizeo Forms application. We strive to remain attentive and responsive to your comments and suggestions. Update 1: Tag the fields containing personal data You can now “tag” the fields that will contain personal data (last name, first name, address …). With this new option, we will be able […]
New makeover of Kizeo Forms interface. «My Users» Page in your Back Office has been modified in order to improve the user experience. It is meant to: Simplify the use of the page, Save time when you create and manage your users’ profiles. The interface that allows to create and modify the user profiles has been re-organized in order to look clearer. New features to manage your […]