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A new Pest Control Checklist is now available in the library! This form is made for Pest Control companies that regularly inspect restaurants.

Save Time

Save time digital formWith this digital form, Pest Control technicians will be able to fill out a standard checklist in no time and from anywhere! By inserting a Referential-Hierarchical list with the details of each one of the services that your company provides, you give simple guidelines for your technician to follow, avoiding mistakes and saving a great amount of time. By selecting the name of the action, for instance fumigation, the price will automatically appear.

Send your invoice

Expense digital form

This digital form allows you to automate the sending of an electronic invoice. Indeed, after the technician detailed one by one the actions he took during the visit, both Excel and PDF invoices will be sent to the client immediately. In order to have the right invoice sent, it is necessary for you to correctly set your form and create a referential-hierarchical list including the pricing of each intervention. In this template, standard prices have been associated with each action.

Send reports

Send reports digital form Two e-mails will automatically be sent after the technician is done filling the form:

  • First, a report for the manager of the Pest Control company to inform him/her of what happen during the visit as well as the services that were charged.
  • Second, if the technician took action(s) during the visit, an invoice summing up the different services charged will be sent to the client (Excel & PDF invoices). The manager will also received a copy of that e-mail to keep track of the amount charged.

Implement standard procedures

By giving a general structure to your checklist and detailing the questions, you will obtain a similar form for each one of your interventions. Moreover, the technician will not forget any aspect of the inspection.


This form uses several useful options:

  • Referential-Hierarchical list: create your own referential-hierarchical list with all the details of each one of your services. First, the hierarchical part of the list will allow you to sort your services out in distinct categories. For instance, in our example we sorted them into five different categories: exclusion, fumigation, harborage reduction, mechanical controls and product application. The referential part of the list consists in putting the details associated with each service, in that case the price.
  • Table element: you can add the number of lines you want, in this case charge as many different actions as needed.
  • The Choice element: this option is very convenient to answer quickly a question by ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
  • The Picture element: very important to illustrate the damage or risk detected during the intervention, as well as the action(s) taken by the technician. It is a legal proof of the service(s) delivered by your company in case the manager of the restaurant is absent.
  • The visibility condition is widely used in this form. Each time that an answer reveals a safety or health hazard, a new field will appear inviting the technician to take a picture of the hazard detected.
  • The Signatures of both the technician and the manager of the restaurant included at the end of the checklist help authenticating the document.

Download & Customize

From your Back Office, it is easy to download the Pest Control Checklist template by going to the Form Page and then clicking the Library button. Then, select the English language, type the name of the form and finally download it. You can fully customize this checklist according to your activity: delete or add several elements, create your own referential list with your pricing and put the logo and contact details of your company.

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