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16Sep, 2016

The Kizeo Forms app detailed


You can update your forms manually so that any changes made on the back-office is taken into account on your app. Forms updating is also automatically processed when opening the app,  though you can « Cancel » it.

update screen


  • Draft: This is where you find data you saved when clicking ‘draft’ (as opposed to ‘save’) at the end of the form. You can reopen it and modify it if necessary.
  • Pending: This is where you find all pending forms, that’s to say, forms you’ve completed with no Internet connection and which are waiting to be sent to the server. These forms will be sent as soon as your device gets an Internet connection.
  • Sent: This is the history of forms already sent and saved on the server.

history screen1

history screen2

Tips : In ‘Draft’ and ‘Sent’, you can delete history on your mobile (mobile only, no on the server) by clicking on the top right hand side menu and then ‘Delete all’.


In the « Reception » section, you find:

  • Push: Pre-filed data send out by an administrator (Computer to Mobile).
  • Transfer : Data transferred to you by other users (Mobile to Mobile).
  • Map you ‘Push’: Only if the ‘Push’ contains geolocation coordinates.

reception screen1

reception screen2


You find there some options available only on mobile:

  • Request confirmation when transferring : When you transfer a form to another user, Kizeo Forms will ask you to confirm you want to transfer that form.
  • Return to the main screen after completing a form: After having completed and saved a form, you’ll be redirected to the app home page, where all your forms are displayed.
  • Automatically refresh forms: All forms will be automatically updated when you log in the app.
  • Allow the display of several elements per line: When creating a form, you can choose to set some items side by side (in the advanced options of each item). You must activate this mobile option if you want these items to be displayed side by side.
  • Theme: You can change color on your app




You find here the version of Kizeo Forms installed on your mobile. It is important to always get the latest version installed in order to get all the newest functionalities.

information screen1 information screen2

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